My work “戦国剣舞-少年舞姫-” was published in the “DREAM 創夢 同人資訊情報誌 VOL.14”

2009-05-27 19:40

DREAM 創夢掲載 表紙

DREAM 創夢掲載 本文

My work “戦国剣舞-少年舞姫-” was published in the “DREAM 創夢 同人資訊情報誌 VOL.14“.

I was the first time published in the magazine.

Is just amazing to be published in a magazine cartoon depicting a small webdesigner.

I live in 東京都東村山市.

I do not have a passport.
However, my work had to travel abroad!

ATP Mr.H and 創夢 of the office of Taiwan and my friend 侃吉 Thank you very much!

I like baseball.
Taiwan and Japan are quite familiar because the game frequently.

I respect 王貞治!
I like 張誌家!
I loved the combination of Daisuke Matsuzaka and 張誌家.

So, I was so happy to have a magazine in Taiwan.

I just do not know Japanese. I’m sorry.
This sentence is very bad.
But are very grateful.

Joy has written a report in Japanese.
It may not make sense, please read.


